As my previous blog shows a denim shirt that i recently purchased from All Saints i had attempted the DD look. A look that i like, but going to 'fashion school' you can only wonder what others are thinking. On the first day back at term i counted at least 8 people that were sporting the look. Does that make it trendy? Of course not, the combination is hard to get right with many conflicting views! One figure is saying get denim of similar colours, where others are saying do the opposite and wear contrasting denim. I am still not sure myself how to do it, and i don't believe there will ever be a definitive answer, its just a matter of preference. But with the celebrities sporting it including David Beckham and Channing Tatum, i think it's worth a try.

Regardless of how you do it there are a lot of wicked options out and about, including River Island, Burton, Topman, next and a very trendy option from Zara that was featured on this morning a few weeks back. That is just your high street options, and i'm sure there are many fantastic designer options for all those who want to flash the cash, including D&G who heavily featured it on their S/S 2010 collection! Which in hints at matching denim!

Yet again the friends that always feature in my blog have arrived again, and informed that double denim is dead! Just when i was beginning to enjoy it! Still i like it and will at least get some wears out of my All Saints shirt, and in summer i could always pair it with some cargo shorts!